Mattie Snibley Backhaus
Summonded by Death
Mrs. Mattie Snibley Backhaus of 212 W. Wesley Street, Wheaton, died Oct. 14 in the 68th year of her life. Funeral services were held from the late home Tuesday afternoon and interment in the Wheaton cemetery.
Mrs.Backhaus had not been in good health for a number of years and had suffered considerably during the last two months of her life. She was a member of the Gary Memorial church for a number of years and was always a member of the Methodist denomination. She was born in Naperville on March 8, 1866.
Surviving are the husband, Henry Backhaus; a daughter, Mary, and a grand-daughter, Mary Ann - Wheaton Daily Journal.
This file was contributed for use by the DuPage County ILGenWeb Project by Dyonne Brys, Granddaughter of Mr. Scherer (Dear departed Friend, I'm finally starting on your papers!)
Slowly transcribed from photocopy of original published obituary by Pat Sabin, January 13, 2013