John Stevens 


In Naperville. May 3d, Mr. John Stevens, aged seventy-six years.

 Mr. Stevens was born in Rindge, N. H., September 2d 1783. His parents relocated to Hartland Vt. while he was still quite young and subsequently to Enosburg, Franklin county, where he continued to reside until removing to this place in 1832. Blessed by nature with a hardy and vigorious constitution he was well fitted to endure the hardships and privations incident to pioneer life. In the lovely village where he resided he has left behind many monuments of his skill and industry as a mechanic.  In his declining years he has long been honored as one of the pioneer settlers and patriarchs of  the village, and now that his venerable form has disappeared from our midst his loss will be deeply and sincerely lamented by a numerous circle of realtives and sympathizing friends.   
Submitted by Judy Fessler and Polly Hitt


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