Mrs. Elenora Dieter - 1945

Mrs. Elenora Dieter, nee Reuss, died on Sunday, June 17, 1945, at her home in Naperville after a long illness. She was born November 9, 1858, the daughter of George and Anna Mary Reuss who came to Naperville in 1856.
Her marriage to Valentine A. Dieter on November 21, 1876, ushered in a long and active wedded life.  They were privledged to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary when the community paid tribute oto the  sterling worth of Mr. and Mrs. Dieter as citizens and home-makers.
Surviving her are six children: Julian, Mrs. Anna Germann, Mrs. Lucy Ory, Bernard, Eda and Cornelia, all residents of Naperville.
Here husband; a son, George, and a daughter, Mrs. Olive Schwartz, preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning, June 20th, at SS Peter & Paul Church, followed by burial in the Parish Cemetery.

This file was contributed for use by the DuPage County ILGenWeb Project  by:
 Dyonne Brys.  (Dear departed Friend, I'm finally starting on your papers!)

Slowly transcribed from photocopy of original published obituary by Pat Sabin, January 15, 2013

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